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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
7 min read
Animal Sense Perth Preferred Trainers
The reason I have a list of preferred trainers is that there are, sadly, still some dog trainers who persist in using techniques that...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
2 min read
Labelling dogs as dominant getting in the way of helping your dog.
Scientists believe dogs evolved from wolves some 15 000 years ago. In an attempt to understand dogs’ social structure some scientists...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
2 min read
Blending dogs
The first job of caregivers deciding to join two canine families is to have all dogs assessed for health problems. Any disease or...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
3 min read
You can take a dog from the outback but not the outback out of the dog.
When humans take on the role of rescuer they can feel they are giving a dog a better life. I get it. We all think our life is the one to...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
2 min read
Why I don’t recommend Boot camp
Have you heard it said that when your car needs fixing you send it to a qualified mechanic and therefore when your dog has problems it...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
3 min read
Socialisation in canines
Socialisation is not taking a small puppy to Bunnings and have it bombarded with attention and pats. Socialisation is not taking an...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
6 min read
Anxiety in Dogs...what does it look like?
Anxiety and anxiousness are words that are thrown around a lot. Most of us have a pretty good idea of what it looks like in humans...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
3 min read
Dog Bite! What now?
When your pet bites someone it brings up many emotions – fear, anger, confusion. After making sure the person is okay you need to have...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
4 min read
What to look for in a dog trainer?
Every second week I have the pleasure of teaching final year veterinary students about canine behaviour and canine mental health...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
2 min read
Say NO to Punishment
When it is suggested to caregivers to use a shock device they are often told "it won't hurt the dog." This is knuckle headed in so many...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
5 min read
Puppy Socialisation during the COVID crisis
Getting a new dog or puppy has been a coping mechanism for humans faced with isolating themselves through COVID restrictions, but it is...
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Nicole Lobry de Bruyn
2 min read
Let's walk the dog!
Humans are very attached to the concept of dog walking but there are some recommended dos and dont's and it's not easy for every dog. The...
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